Quality Ecuatran
Quality Ecuatran
Quality Politics
We satisfy the needs of our customers by delivering competitive transformers and
electrical solutions, with high quality, at the lowest cost and shortest delivery time.
Our transformers meet or surpass international standards, such as ANSI/IEEE, UL, IEC, ISO, INEN, ICONTEC among others. In Ecuatran the quality is and will be our main objective.
Environment policy
We prevent sources of environmental pollution, properly managing materials and waste,
optimizing energy consumption in our operations.
Occupational health and safety policy
We prevent incidents to avoid accidents associated with our activities and we manage the
appropriate conditions for the best performance and ensure the health of our employees.
Physical security policy (BASC)
We manage risks in the processes of our production and logistics chain, relying on the
management, control and security system to prevent illegal activities, corruption and bribery.
At ECUATRAN we comply with current national and international legislation applicable to all
our products, services and processes, continuously improving the performance of our